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傑文塑膠五金製品廠為一港資企業, 專業從事燈飾設計開發, 現公司主要以貿易為主, 生產為輔助的一家綜合性生產開發企業, 並在美國、香港等地各設有office, 產品全部出口到歐美等地. 大陸工廠位於東莞具有“京九城”之譽的常平鎮, 交通便利.廠內環境優雅. 員工福利待遇好.員工上班五天制,職員六天制,平時加班加班費為150%,週六日加班加班費為200%,國家法定節假日加班加班費為300%,公司會不定期組織員工旅遊,燒烤等活動.入職員工一律簽定勞動合同,購買保險.公司於2005年10月通過ISO9000:2000質量管理體系認證.現公司因業務發展, 誠邀相關熱心人仕加盟本公司.Company Profile :KITMAN PLASTIC & METAL FACTORY is running by Mr. Bill Tang who has more than 33 years experience in project development and manufacturing products under OEM & ODM basis. We also provide full service for our Customers on the following areas :-Sourcing Products-Quality Control to their existing vendors on outgoing shipments-Shipment consolidation-Design & Engineering on current / new projects-Act as Customer’s “Asia Headquarter” to better communicate with vendorsCompany Structure :The company maintains a General Office in Hong Kong while all other follow–up services, manufacturing and Engineering support are carried out in the factory in Guangdong, China.